hey there,

Scroll down for any link you need to either learn from or work with me.

Don’t find what you’re looking for? Feel free to shoot me a quick DM or email me at kieva@zoltdigital.com

Kieva Link in Bio Image

Take the Stuck-In-reverse business growth reality check

This assessment with set you up for growth in your business all year round. (Offering free 1:1 follow up calls for a limited time only)

Join the Waitlist for the Funnels On Fleek Group Coaching Program →

Let’s build and optimize your marketing funnel together in just 8 weeks.

Register for The High-Ticket Funnels Workshop →

This 90-min practical session will change your business forever! Save your seat now.

Book an Express Strategy Session →

Get a custom digital growth strategy mapped out for your business in 60 minutes.

Apply for Private VIP Coaching →

Get personalized business support and accountability. Limited Spots Available.

Upskill Your Team →

Book a corporate training session to boost the performance of your marketing team

Book Me To Speak At Your Event →

Whether it’s a physical event, or an online podcast or Youtube show, I’ll be delighted to grace your stage.

Serving value-packed content on online marketing and entrepreneurship.
New videos every week!

Ready to grow your business to bring you income that can support the lifestyle of your dreams?

I help Coaches & Service Providers create SIMPLE BUT STRATEGIC marketing funnels so they can begin to experience predictable and sustainable income in their business. If this is your goal, then…

…you’re in the right place


You are a high-ticket Coach or Service Provider and your past clients have good things to say about the brilliance of your work.

BUT You constantly struggle with landing new premium clients who understand the value of your work and are able and willing to pay for your services.

SO You often get anxious wondering where your next paying client will come from, and you cannot plan ahead because your income keeps going up and down like a yo-yo!

AND You end up selling yourself short by over-discounting your services and giving in to clients who you know are not a good fit simply because you are desperate to make ends meet.

OR You rely heavily on referrals and now you need a system that is within your control that ensures you consistently land new clients and always have money in the bank.

Here’s what my clients have to say about working with me

Yagazie Eguare Gazmadu

Very Brilliant & Result-oriented!

Kieva pours her heart into every project she embarks on. Very very brilliant! Very very result-oriented. She quickly detects what is wrong or needs to be modified and follows you through to ensure that it gets done.

Creator, Profitable Photography Business Program