High-Ticket Funnel Workshop


How To Use The CLOSER Framework To Close Sales On Discovery Calls

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If you’re someone who’s been selling premium services for a while, you’ll know that getting clients on a sales call is an easy way to close deals. But the thing is, once you get them on the call, it’s a whole different ball game. You might end up struggling to sell your product and coming across as an epic flop.

That’s why I’m here to help you out with some tips on how to close more sales on those discovery calls. Today, I’ll be introducing you to something called the CLOSER Framework, an acronym developed by Alex Hormozi (link insert), a well-known entrepreneur. But before we dive into that, I want to stress that the key to becoming adept at closing sales is having integrity.

When you’re convinced that the product or service you’re providing can change people’s lives, you work differently and you move differently. It gives you an extra boost of confidence that reflects in your work. And when you add that level of confidence to the CLOSER framework, it’s like a power combo.

Before you start your sales call, it’s important to create a rapport with your potential client. Ask them where they’re from, and find some common ground to connect with them. Maybe you live in the same city, love the same food, or work in the same industry. This will help them feel more comfortable and at ease during the call.

The C.L.O.S.E.R Framework

  • Clarify

When you’re on a sales call, it’s crucial to ensure that you and the prospect are on the same page because you don’t want to be solving the wrong problem. To achieve this, you need to ask questions. This is a massive tip for discovery calls. The client should be doing most of the talking, and you should simply be confirming what they say or digging deeper to understand their needs.

Avoid the trap of trying to sell on the discovery call. Yes, I know it’s a sales call, but more of your time should be spent asking them the right questions and letting them confirm. Think about it, when you go to the doctor’s office, the doctor keeps asking you questions to understand your symptoms. You need to act like the doctor and build trust with your prospects by asking the right questions.

  • Label

After clarifying the prospect’s reason for being on the call, it’s important to label it. This involves summarizing their pain point and giving it a name. For instance, you could say something like, “So, if I understand correctly, you’re here because of X, Y, and Z, is that right?”

Asking this summary question not only confirms that you’ve understood their pain point correctly but also helps the prospect to feel heard and validated. If you’ve misunderstood anything, they’ll likely correct you, and you can make the necessary adjustments.

By clarifying and labeling the prospect’s pain point, you’re demonstrating that you’re actively listening to them, and they’ll be more likely to trust you and feel comfortable discussing their needs with you.

  • Overview

The overview involves delving into the client’s past experiences and history. It’s crucial to ask what they have previously attempted to solve their problem but didn’t work out. This helps them identify that they need a different approach and positions you as a potential solution.

For instance, a client may have undergone a program that helped her somewhat, but it didn’t address her specific marketing issue. If marketing is your expertise and you can solve that issue, asking her about her past experiences can highlight the gap and lead her to consider you as the next best solution.

However, it’s vital to maintain integrity and only work with clients whose problems you can genuinely solve. By reviewing their past failures, you can position yourself as a potential solution without actively selling yourself.

  • Sales

While it may be tempting to jump right into your pitch, taking a step back to offer some valuable advice can actually be more effective in the long run.

When you’re on a discovery call with a potential client, take some time to identify the problem they’re facing. Then, offer three quick tips that could help solve that problem. By doing this, you’re positioning yourself as an expert in your field and demonstrating your ability to provide value.

Once you’ve shared your tips, it’s natural to segue into a discussion of your own strengths and services. Ask if the client is interested in hearing more about what you have to offer. Chances are, they’ll be eager to learn more after seeing the value you’ve already provided.

When it comes time to sell your services, remember to be prepared and confident. Have an outline of what your package or program entails, and focus on selling the transformation that you can offer. This means highlighting the benefits of your services, rather than just the technical features.

  • Explain

In order to successfully sell your product or service, it’s important to not only present the benefits but also be prepared to answer any questions or objections that may arise.

After you finish your pitch, it’s crucial to ask the potential client if they have any questions. If they don’t, you should still be ready to provide them with frequently asked questions and address any common objections that may not have been voiced.

This is your opportunity to showcase why it’s important for the client to take action now, such as addressing pricing concerns or emphasizing the benefits of the program. It’s also important to provide social proof and testimonials, which you may have already shared before the call through an application funnel (insert blog link) or video. This will help position you as an expert and build trust with the client.

At this point, you should be closing the deal and be prepared to handle any objections that may arise. By empathizing with the client and providing reasonable answers to their concerns, you should be well on your way to closing the sale. Don’t be afraid to ask for the sale and offer payment plans if necessary.

  • Reinforce

It’s important to note that closing the sale is not the end of the process. Buyer’s remorse can happen, where a client may regret their purchase after paying. So, don’t just relax and think your work is done. Be prepared to come correct and ensure that the client’s next experience with you is elevated.

Have a good onboarding process in place, including a receipt and an automated email welcoming them to the program and letting them know what to expect next.

Ensure that the customer’s experience is elevated during this period by doing things like sending thank-you notes, making compliments, or following up with more information.

Don’t drop the ball at this point because if you do well, you are likely to keep working with these clients, increase their lifetime value, and even get them to refer others to you.

Remember, let the client lead during the call, and don’t get jittery when it’s time to close the sale. If you need to use tools like screen sharing or a script to boost your confidence, do so.

Hey there!

I hope you enjoy reading this blog post.

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Fun Fact: She’s trained as a medical doctor but chose to be an entrepreneur and save ailing businesses.